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This article is about the 2024 Million Mask March. It has been archived here for future reference. For information on the annual Million Mask March, please refer to this page.

MMM2024 Banner Ad Archive

Embed this QR code in your media so people can find out more about this year's march.

IF YOU ARE PRINTING ADS, please visit the MMM Print Fliers Archive, as those files are optimized for normal printer paper, and won't consume all your ink.

Several banners and memes have already been made for this year's march. They are sorted by location, so you may promote whatever specific march is crucial to your operations as an independent AnonOps chaos agent.

Please tag capncornflake with #MMM2024 if you have fliers for this year which are not yet on this page.

United States

Tampa, FL

New York, NY

Seattle, WA


Toronto, ON


Bucharest, Romania

London, UK


Jakarta, Indonesia

Universal Banners

Since this event happens on November 5th, every year, we also have a pile of recyclable media that doesn't mention the year at all.

While you are free to reuse them as-is, they will be more effective if you add the location, time & address of your local march!

Prior Years

For examples of banner and social media advertisements that Anonymous has used in the past for the Million Mask March, please visit the Historical Ads Archive.

This article is part of a series on the Million Mask March
About: History
Archives: 2024 (Banners/Fliers) - More Historical Ads

op/mmm/2024/banners.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/15 22:43 by Humphrey Boa-Gart

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