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Current Projects at AMI:

Insurgency Wiki Import Marathon!

The Anonymous Military Institute is the spiritual successor to the Insurgency Wiki. To carry on the torch, we are currently recovering and absorbing much of its data, to preserve for future generations in the digital halls which you now roam. If you would like to help our archivists copy & update worthwhile pages (NO dox or pages on individuals), then spin up one of the backup mirrors and get to it!

Namespaces Flagged for Expansion

We have a whole list of Priority Stubs that need to be expanded on, if you are looking for something to write about and cannot decide for yourself.

If none of the priority subjects appeal to you, we have two larger lists of Missing Pages and Stub Pages that need content, or data pulled from the Insurgency Wiki backups. There is also a list of Orphaned Pages that need to be better integrated with our corpus of knowledge.

Incomplete Portal Templates

Most of the are extremely bare-bones right now. While there is no sense fleshing these pages out until more content has been imported into the wiki, this is something that will need to be ironed out by someone eventually.

New to Editing?

Check out our Syntax Reference to get a feel for how to work with DokuWiki's markup language, which is similar to MediaWiki's but ever so slightly different. Our Style Guide will help you shape articles that match the tone and atmosphere of the rest of the site. The template namespace is where you will find reusable boilerplates and alert snippets. The playground namespace is set aside for you to safely experiment with formatting tags, away from actual site content.

Read our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy if you are confused about what you should and should not post here, or ask about it in the chat. Remember, when in doubt, lurk moar.

Facility Expansion

The Anonymous Military Institute is currently seeking to become a legal tax-exempt non-profit educational organization in the various countries it trains guerrillas in. Please contact the Captain if you know how to make this happen.

ami.txt ยท Last modified: 2024/11/10 18:35 by Humphrey Boa-Gart

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