Table of Contents

This article is about the 2024 Million Mask March. It has been archived here for future reference. For information on the annual Million Mask March, please refer to this page.

MMM2024 Print Flier Archive

While the Million Mask March is a worldwide event, it is a decentralized worldwide event composed of many independent local events. Local organizing means local canvassing, and that's where these print fliers will come in handy. These fliers - which are pre-sized to fit standard printer copy paper - will help you reach out to your community.

Staple them on telephone poles. Hand them out in the park. Slip them under people's doors. Approach representatives of other local gangs, activists or community organizations, and invite them to join as well.

United States

Los Angeles, CA

San Francisco, CA

Miami, FL

Tampa, FL

Atlanta, GA

Boise, ID

Chicago, IL

New Orleans, LA

Detroit, MI

St. Louis, MO

New York, NY

Portland, OR

Philadelphia, PA

Nashville, TN

Dallas, TX

Salt Lake City, UT

Seattle, WA


Vancouver, BC

Ottawa, ON

Toronto, ON

Montreal, QC


Bucharest, Romania

London, United Kingdom


Jakarta, Indonesia


This article is part of a series on the Million Mask March
About: History
Archives: 2024 (Banners/Fliers) - More Historical Ads