This is an old revision of the document!
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This article was imported from the 2011 Insurgency Wiki backup, and sits here in its original crude format. It is in dire need of modernization and cleanup.
Below applies to Python 2.6 or lower, Python 3 is a good bit different.
Python is an object oriented, interpreted language. It is unique in that it requires a user to indent in place of using curly brackets ({..}).
Note: that most *nix distributions come with Python by default.
Basic python syntax
Hello World!
Variable names DO NOT need to begin with a special character, unlike PHP. Variable names CAN, however, be any combination, as long as the word isn't reserved (Ex: and, or, print), of letters and numbers.
>>> #Numbers >>> a = 1 #Declare A as 1 >>> b = a+5 #b becomes 6, while a remains 1 >>> a += 5 #a is overwritten, and becomes 6 >>> c = b = a #c and b are overwritten and become 6 >>> #Strings >>> a = "Hello " >>> b = "There" >>> c = a+b #JOIN STRINGS >>> a = "Blue Yellow Green Red".split(" ") #Split the string at every " " >>> a #Output 'a' to the screen, same as print or print() ['Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Red'] #List object, another type of variable >>> .join(a) #Join all the list objects as one 'BlueYellowGreenRed' >>> a = 'Blue Green Yellow Red'[0:4] #This returns the sub-string 'Blue' >>> a = 'Blue Green Yellow Red'[5:] #This returns the sub-string 'Green Yellow Red' >>> a = 'a = 'Blue Green Yellow Red'[::2] #This returns the sub-string Bu re elwRd' >>> #Float >>> a = 88.2 >>> b = 88 >>> print a/25 3.528 >>> print b/25 3 >>> #Other types >>> a = (" ", 355, 256.7, ["Hello", "World"]) >>> type(a) <type 'tuple'> >>> a = {"Hello":"World", "Key":"Value"} >>> type(a) <type 'dict'> >>> a = "Anhero" >>> del a #Its a good idea, if you're making a 'hidden' script, to delete variables after you use them...
< Less than > Greater than == Equal to != Not equal is Identical is not Not identical <= Less than or equal to >= Greater than or equal to
>>> a = 1 >>> b = 2 >>> if a != b: print "No!"
>>> a = 1 >>> b = 1 >>> if a == b: print "Yes!" Yes! >>> a = 1 >>> b = 5 >>> if (a == b-len("....")/1) and "a" == "a" or "b" == "b": print "Yes!"
>>> a = 1 >>> while a < 5: #Note, replacing '<' with '<=' allows it to reach 5, instead of stopping at 4 print a a += 1; 1 2 3 4 >>> a = False; >>> while a == False: print "False" a = True; False
>>> for x in range(0, 10): print x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
consider using xrange when dealing with larger lists, as it creates an iterator, rather than constructing the full list in memory
>>> for x in ['Hello', 'world', ',this', 'is', 'a', 'list']: print x Hello world ,this is a list
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