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This article was imported from the 2011 Insurgency Wiki backup and was partially updated. However, it still needs further revision & editing to be brought up to the modern standards of the Anonymous Military Institute.
Perl is a dynamic programming language created by Larry Wall and was first released in 1987. Perl borrows features from a variety of other languages including C, bash, AWK, sed and Lisp.
Perl is usually good for searching for data and matching variables. Structurally, most people believe that Perl is a brainfuck comparable to that of brainfuck.
For moar info, see Perl.
Some of the tools the Insurgency uses, such as, use Perl. Linux and BSD distros usually include Perl as a default package. Windows users should get Strawberry Perl and Macfags should get ActivePerl from the link below.
How To Get Perl
- Download the Strawberry Perl installer from here.
- Run the program and follow the instructions
- Open Command prompt and run
perl -v
, You should seeThe is perl..
This means Perl is installed properly.
On Ubuntu/Debian you can simply use the “apt-get” command:
sudo apt-get install perl
On Redhat/Fedora:
yum install perl
on SUSE:
yast install perl
on Arch Linux:
pacman -S perl
on Gentoo:
emerge -av perl
Manual Install
i. Download Perl 5.13.1 from : ii. Remove the old Perl from the system before building # rm -rf /usr/lib/perl5 p/s : Suggestion from jeremy # mv /usr/lib/perl5 /root/perl5backup
i. # tar xvzf stable.tar.gz ii. # cd perl-5.13.1 iii. For more information , # ./Configure --help # ./Configure -de \ -Dprefix=/usr \ -Dcccdlflags='-fPIC' \ -Darchname=i686-linux iv. # make v. # make test vi. # make install
i. # perl -MCPAN -e shell Just Follow step by step. Use all the Default Answer. ii. install Bundle::CPAN iii. install Bundle::LWP iv. install Bundle::DBI v. install DBD::mysql
To test the install, run:
perl -v
GET -ed
Learning Perl
Though there are several books available to someone wanting to learn Perl, O'Reilly's “Learning Perl” is widely considered to be the best book for newcomers to Perl.
It is available, along with the rest of O'Reilly's books on Perl here.
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