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Operation Californication
Anonymous holds these truths to be self-evident: That all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. However, throughout History, there always arises parties who do not recognize these truths, and in the 21st century that mantle has been taken up by the Terrorist State of California.
California - a land of unimaginable riches and wealth - has grown fat and prideful, and refuses to recognize the residents of other states as equals. As if having one of the largest states in the country wasn't enough, the Californians want more. They want your state too. That is right, despite having millions of acres of undeveloped land and untouched old growth forests, the Californian parasite is still not satisfied, and requires your town, your home, and your precious bodily fluids.
We have attempted to reason with our Californian brethren, but our pleas have fallen on deaf ears as they continue to illegally colonize the world. And so, faced with no other option, Anonymous has declared War on California.
Historical Background
To sate its bottomless appetite, the de-facto Terrorist State of California has spent much of the past several decades embarking on a global program of settler-colonialism to usurp and jail local Authority whereever it goes, putting in their place a new local regime loyal to San Francisco and Palo Alto. It is aided in this flagrantly illegal quest by its control over the entertainment industry and social media, which at this point are just propaganda utilities to force Californication via disruptive technologies on an unsuspecting & unprepared world.
The effects of California's lebensraum program (which thoroughly desecrates the ideas of dignity & human rights) has had an absolute catastrophic effect on its neighbors, and North America as a whole. Anons in many cities in the United States & Mexico have reported their communities being overrun by hordes of brainwashed Californians, who then proceed to genocidally stamp out whatever local culture was there, while importing new replacement Brands(TM) from San Francisco & Los Angeles.
In 2023, people started fighting back, with many calling for an international boycott on California, and Anonymous declaring outright war (see documents below). Will California's reign of terror be stopped? Time will tell….
Declaration of War & Boycott Announcement
Legally Binding Documents (click to enlarge)
Recon Efforts
The war effort was spearheaded by an intelligence-gathering operation by AnonOps personnel. These brave operatives partnered with EFNetNews and the Anonymous Foreign Affairs Desk to send a documentary team into the Belly of the Beast itself - San Francisco - to get to the bottom of how California was able to carry on this flagrantly illegal campaign of genocide & settler-colonialism. What they found out will shock you all:
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