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Pasta Sauce

Pasta is cheap to make in bulk, a good use of leftovers, extremely versatile, and there is a million varieties of noodles to pair it with.

Tomato Sauces

Homemade Tomato Sauce

The base of many pasta dishes is tomato sauce. It is also the longest part to cook. If you are short on time, you can always substitute this base for a jar of store-bought, and go from there. However, if you have access to fresh tomatoes and want to convert those to real sauce, this is how you do it:

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Shortcut Tomato Sauce

Plain cans of tomato sauce can be used in any of the following recipes, but like the homemade sauce above it will also take time to prep in advance. However, plain canned tomato sauce keeps well in storage for a long time, and it is cheaper than the jars of spaghetti sauce that are already pre-seasoned.

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Chunky Sauce

  • 1 jar of tomato sauce

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diy/recipes/pasta-sauce.1735582266.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/12/30 18:11 by Humphrey Boa-Gart

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