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tools:python [2024/06/03 05:54] – [If] Humphrey Boa-Garttools:python [2024/10/01 02:43] (current) AspHunter
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 ====== Python ====== ====== Python ======
-Below applies to Python 2.6 or lower, Python 3 is a good bit different.+//stub page for **Python 3**the original article that had this namespace has been moved to [[tools:python2|Python 2]].//
-Python is an object oriented, interpreted language. It is unique in that it requires a user to indent in place of using curly brackets ({..}). 
-Note: that most *nix distributions come with Python by default. 
-===== Basics ===== 
-//Basic// python syntax 
-==== Hello World! ==== 
-  >>> print "HELLO WORLD!" 
-==== Variables ==== 
-Variable names DO NOT need to begin with a special character, unlike PHP. Variable names CAN, however, be any combination, as long as the word isn't reserved (Ex: and, or, print), of letters and numbers. 
-  >>> #Numbers 
-  >>> a = 1 #Declare A as 1 
-  >>> b = a+5 #b becomes 6, while a remains 1 
-  >>> a += 5 #a is overwritten, and becomes 6 
-  >>> c = b = a #c and b are overwritten and become 6 
-  >>> #Strings 
-  >>> a = "Hello " 
-  >>> b = "There" 
-  >>> c = a+b #JOIN STRINGS 
-  >>> a = "Blue Yellow Green Red".split(" ") #Split the string at every " " 
-  >>> a #Output 'a' to the screen, same as print or print() 
-  ['Blue', 'Yellow', 'Green', 'Red'] #List object, another type of variable 
-  >>> .join(a) #Join all the list objects as one 
-  'BlueYellowGreenRed' 
-  >>> a = 'Blue Green Yellow Red'[0:4] #This returns the sub-string 'Blue' 
-  >>> a = 'Blue Green Yellow Red'[5:] #This returns the sub-string 'Green Yellow Red' 
-  >>> a = 'a = 'Blue Green Yellow Red'[::2] #This returns the sub-string Bu re elwRd' 
-  >>> #Float  
-  >>> a = 88.2 
-  >>> b = 88 
-  >>> print a/25 
-  3.528 
-  >>> print b/25 
-  3 
-  >>> #Other types 
-  >>> a = (" ", 355, 256.7, ["Hello", "World"]) 
-  >>> type(a) 
-  <type 'tuple'> 
-  >>> a = {"Hello":"World", "Key":"Value"} 
-  >>> type(a) 
-  <type 'dict'> 
-  >>> a = "Anhero" 
-  >>> del a #Its a good idea, if you're making a 'hidden' script, to delete variables after you use them... 
-===== Statements ===== 
-==== Comparison ==== 
-  <       Less than 
-  >       Greater than 
-  ==      Equal to 
-  !=      Not equal 
-  is      Identical 
-  is not  Not identical 
-  <=      Less than or equal to 
-  >=      Greater than or equal to 
-=== If === 
-  >>> a = 1 
-  >>> b = 2 
-  >>> if a != b: 
-  print "No!" 
-  No! 
-  >>> a = 1 
-  >>> b = 1 
-  >>> if a == b: 
-  print "Yes!" 
-  Yes! 
-  >>> a = 1 
-  >>> b = 5 
-  >>> if (a == b-len("....")/1) and "a" == "a" or "b" == "b": 
-  print "Yes!" 
-  Yes! 
-==== Loops ==== 
-=== While === 
-  >>> a = 1 
-  >>> while a < 5: #Note, replacing '<' with '<=' allows it to reach 5, instead of stopping at 4 
- print a 
- a += 1; 
-  1 
-  2 
-  3 
-  4 
-  >>> a = False; 
-  >>> while a == False: 
- print "False" 
- a = True; 
-  False 
-=== For === 
-  >>> for x in range(0, 10): 
-  print x 
-  0 
-  1 
-  2 
-  3 
-  4 
-  5 
-  6 
-  7 
-  8 
-  9 
-//consider using xrange when dealing with larger lists, as it creates an iterator, rather than constructing the full list in memory// 
-  >>> for x in ['Hello', 'world', ',this', 'is', 'a', 'list']: 
- print x 
-  Hello 
-  world 
-  ,this 
-  is 
-  a 
-  list 
 {{tag>Tools Programming}} {{tag>Tools Programming}}
tools/python.1717394087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/08/06 05:52 (external edit)

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