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op:cali [2024/10/14 21:41] – [Drive Them Out!] Humphrey Boa-Gartop:cali [2024/11/16 09:08] (current) – [Raise Awareness] Humphrey Boa-Gart
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 A list of targets of this boycott was compiled by AnonOps after much [[tactics:levels-of-war#the-strategic-level|strategic consideration]], and published on [[|the Boycott California website]]. This list contains many entities crucial to the survival of the terrorist state of California, and so locking them out of the international economy would go a long way towards bringing down their "Silicon Curtain." A list of targets of this boycott was compiled by AnonOps after much [[tactics:levels-of-war#the-strategic-level|strategic consideration]], and published on [[|the Boycott California website]]. This list contains many entities crucial to the survival of the terrorist state of California, and so locking them out of the international economy would go a long way towards bringing down their "Silicon Curtain."
 +==== Cut Them Out ====
 +[{{ :op:boycottcalifornia_blank_med.jpg?200|Oh, exploitable.}}]
 +You should also **//simply stop cooperating with Californians//** in your everyday life, if you have not yet already. This means going beyond no longer shopping at their stores, but also making sure they don't get elected to local office. This means forming neighborhood watch groups to keep tabs on what the Californians are doing in your area. Don't even talk to them. If they approach you with a question, [[tactics:stonewalling|don't answer them]]. In fact [[tactics:dont-say-anything|don't say anything at all]]. Give them condescending looks. Make them understand that they are not welcome. Californians are incredibly vain and self-conscious creatures, so they will flee back to their hives if they are made to feel uncomfortable for too long.
 ==== Raise Awareness ==== ==== Raise Awareness ====
-{{wst>expand}}+//"But teacher, I am just one Anon? How can I make a difference against the 5th largest GDP in the world?"// By **raising awareness** you can exponentially multiply your efforts. Tell your bored friends that Anonymous declared War on California, and invited everyone to come do battle with the Californians. You can cover a city with fliers a lot faster when you have a whole squad of Anons with you. There is such thing as strength in numbers, and the Californians cannot stop all of us.
 +Utilize the [[ht>BoycottCalifornia]] and [[ht>OpCali]] hashtags when bragging about whatever entertaining things you do to the Californians or their web sites, so that it may be shared on Anonymous feeds and [[anonymous:foreign-affairs|tabloids]]. Make sure to do it on a [[diy:identity-management|compartmentalized identity]]!
-==== Drive Them Out! ==== 
-You should also **//simply stop cooperating with Californians//** in your everyday life, if you have not yet already. This means going beyond no longer shopping at their stores, but also making sure they don't get elected to local office. This means forming neighborhood watch groups to keep tabs on what the Californians are doing in your area. Don't even talk to them. If they approach you with a question, [[tactics:stonewalling|don't answer them]]. In fact [[tactics:dont-say-anything|don't say anything at all]]. Give them condescending looks. Make them understand that they are not welcome. Californians are incredibly vain and self-conscious creatures, so they will flee back to their hives if they are made to feel uncomfortable for too long. 
 {{tag>Operations}} {{tag>Operations}}
op/cali.1728942086.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/10/14 21:41 by Humphrey Boa-Gart

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